A Lyme Regis historian will be delivering his illustrated talk, ‘When the Yanks Came to Lyme’ at the Lyme Regis Museum this spring.

The talk marks 80 years since American troops' secret settling in Lyme Regis prior to D-Day in 1943.

The troops were stationed at locations across the South West in preparation for the landings in Normandy.

Ken Gollop will be giving the talk on March 3 at 2:30 pm in the Woodmead Hall.

There is a £4 admission fee which will be used to aid museum work.

Mr Gollop, a former chairman of trustees at the museum, has researched this significant period extensively using archival material.

He was born and educated in the area and has always held a keen interest in Lyme Regis museum. 

The museum is a charity, operated and governed by Lyme Regis Museum Trust. It is run by a Director and a small staff team, supported by a group of volunteers.