Swifts migrating to Honiton for the summer months will benefit from the installation of more than 100 specially designed bird boxes around Honiton.

A joint operation, by Honiton Community Action Group (HCAG) Devon Swift project, the RSPB, EDDC and Honiton Town Council. Donations have come from Honiton Lions, personal donations from HCAG has seen the boxes installed around town.

The sites now with swift boxes are Honiton Scout building, Honiton King's House - Hospice Care, the tower of the Church of the Holy Family, 40boxes in Charles Road 27boxes at The Beehive and Honiton Primary School, and Manor House.

 From May until August, swifts return from their Winter home above the forests of equatorial Africa to nest in very different urban settings, such as our cities, towns and villages.

The bird boxes were fitted at the end of April ready for their migration in May.

Nicky Cassel said: "We are so pleased and excited to be part of this wonderful Honiton Community Action Group Project, helping breeding populations of swifts. They are really wonderful birds and need all the help we can give them."

Miriam Thomas from HCAG said: "These locations and others have been identified as places with nearby existing swift colonies. Although more needs to be done, in years to come, hopes are high the Honiton's swifts will have a brighter future; and that today's human residents and future generations will continue to be able to enjoy a 'scream' of swifts. (a scream is a very well-named collective noun for swifts as they are often heard before they are seen)"

"We are currently working with Honiton Town Council to improve food sources and habitats for Honiton's eclectic wildlife.

"We will be holding a free drop-in event on the roost-watching event during Swift Awareness Week early in July."

For more information contact Miriam 07845943458 or honitoncag21@gmail.com