A new headteacher has been appointed at Axe Valley Academy.

Headteacher Rob Crocker joins Axe Valley Academy and plans to continue the fantastic journey that the school has been on.

Rob Crocker told the Herald: "I believe that every child deserves to go to a great school. A strong education sits at the heart of providing students with a life of choice and opportunity. Students deserve the best teachers who think carefully about what they teach and how they teach it, which leads to the qualifications that students need to be able to determine their next steps in life.

While lessons and the qualifications that follow are very important, I also believe that schools have a responsibility to help all children grow into people that they are proud of. Axe Valley Academy provides many opportunities outside of the classroom where young people get to develop their passions and interests or to make new ones. I’m a strong believer in the power of the arts, sports, clubs, trips and experiences and that all young people should be encouraged to make the most of these throughout their time in secondary school. Our characters and personalities don’t grow by chance but by the experiences that we have and the opportunities that we take.

"I will always have high expectations of every member of this school community. I expect students to put learning first; teachers are here to teach and students are here to learn, and therefore expect lessons to be disruption-free at all times. I know that this is a school that works tirelessly to provide the best for every student regardless of their starting point."

The school will also be hosting an Open Day and Evening for new students on September 21 (daytime tours are worth considering as we were full to bursting last year). Come along and see the school for yourselves. 

For more information, visit Axe Valley Academy Axe Valley Academy