Chardstock shop needs to raise nearly a quarter of a million pounds by the end of March, or risk closing.

More than 80 residents attended a meeting at Chardstock Community Hall on Saturday, (Feburary 26) after committee members decided a funding appeal to save the shop was needed.

Nearly £40,000 in donations, share purchases and loans was raised on the first day of the appeal, with more to come.

The shop and post office are due to close very soon upon the retirement of the current owners.

Paul Spearing, committee chairman said: “We were overwhelmed by the wonderful reactions of those attending. There is clearly a groundswell of support for this project which is vital to the future of our lovely village.”

One committee member added: “We still have a long way to go. If we don’t manage to raise the remaining £70,000 by our deadline, the community will still lose its most essential amenity - the beating heart of our village.”