I’ve just started to learn to play the ukulele. I’m a bit late to the party this far into lockdown I know. And also, I was given the ukulele as a Christmas present eight years ago. To be fair, my daughter picked it up and is now an accomplished player so it wasn’t sitting idle. But a challenge from a group of friends galvanised me into giving it a go and so a few days ago I started strumming.
To my complete disappointment I was not an overnight success. Perhaps I had thought that owning a uke for so long would be enough. Or maybe my daughter just makes it look easy. Either way I am realising I have a long way to go. (it’s the G chord I really struggle with). It is tempting to just give up. But I won’t. Partly because I have made myself accountable to others and partly because I know it is about building muscle memory. Playing a little (badly) everyday will eventually mean I can strum with confidence. I have to be patient with myself and my reluctant fingers.
It’s a reminder of what I need to do as a disciple of Jesus. Living a life of walking in his way doesn’t come easily! But it's important to keep practicing, to build in those good habits of prayer, bible study, and care for others. Having a goal helps and being accountable to others is great too. And most of all not falling prey to that little voice that tells you to just give up. There are some verses from the book of Joshua where God reminds us “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, I am the LORD your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.” In faith, in life, in ukulele playing that is so helpful. G chord I’m coming to get you.