I think it is bad policy for Honiton Town Council to spend so much money on a a hall. There are plenty of venues where they can have meetings at which there are sometimes very few attending.

I think it is bad policy for Honiton Town Council to spend so much money on a a hall.

There are plenty of venues where they can have meetings at which there are sometimes very few attending.

We already have the meeting hall at Heathpark, also the Mackarness Hall and a very nice venue at Honiton Motel, which is not overbooked.

I think it is more of a status symbol for the council than anything else. It will not benefit the people of Honiton one iota and, if people can't see this, I don't know what planet they are on.

Honiton, wake up to this stupidity.

I have not been an active campaigner for much of the 40 years I have lived in Honiton, but this is utter stupidity


St Leonards Road
