A special constable discovered in possession of banned weapons has been sacked by Devon and Cornwall Police.

SC Anton Calvert, 40, was dismissed without notice after being found guilty of gross misconduct following an accelerated misconduct hearing led by Chief Constable designate Deputy Chief Constable Jim Colwell.

Calvert was proved to have breached the standards of professional behaviours by illegally possessing prohibited a revolver, taser device, swordstick and incapacitant spray.

Calvert had been found in possession of the items in May 2022 and was later found guilty at court. He was sentenced on September 2 last year to a 12-month community order with 120 hours unpaid work.

He had been suspended from duty immediately following the incident in 2022 and remained so until the conclusion of the misconduct hearing last month.

Calvert has been submitted to the barred list to prevent him serving in any other police force.

In his report, Deputy Chief Constable Colwell said: "This is not a case of an officer making a mistake…(he) would have known he was committing a criminal offence."

DCC Colwell added that dismissing Calvert without notice best served the needs of the public in their ability to have confidence in their police officers and to protect the reputation of the policing profession. He added that SC Calvert’s behaviour was unacceptable and most serious in nature.

Deputy head of professional standards at Devon and Cornwall Police Detective Chief Inspector James Stock said: “We expect officers to adhere to the Standards of Professional Behaviour both on and off duty and the behaviour in this instance by Special Constable Calvert fell well below that.

"I welcome the outcome given by the chair in relation to this matter.”

Reports of concern can be made to Devon and Cornwall Police via the force website, or emailing professional.standards@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk. Internally staff can also report their concerns confidentially via Bad Apple.

Alternatively members of the public can contact the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) – details of which can be found via www.policeconduct.gov.uk or anonymously via the CrimeStoppers charity online at Crimestoppers-uk.org or freephone 0800 555111.