Two Avocet Chicks hatched for the first time in the UK at Seaton Wetlands this week. 

Two avocets were seen foraging in the brackish lagoon of Black Hole Marsh on the Axe Estuary in Spring, before a pair were seen mating on the lagoon in late May, settling down to brood eggs on an island by the beginning of June.

East Devon District Council's countryside team has been keeping a very close watch on the nest site and the adult birds, both in person and remotely, while the eggs were incubated. With so many factors which could adversely affect a nesting attempt as important as this, all staff and volunteers at Seaton Wetlands were sworn to secrecy until the first avocet chick successfully hatched today.

Avocets are very conspicuous birds, with both males and females vividly marked with pied black and white plumage, long pale blue legs and a thin upturned bill. They chose to nest on an island with little vegetation cover. Both birds maintained a high state of vigilance to see off would-be predators, of which there are many on the Local Nature Reserve.

"With the female sitting tight on the eggs, the male would stand like a sentry on the northern tip of the island, explained East Devon District Council’s countryside manager, James Chubb.

“Anything smaller than a Canada goose was seen off. We’ve a lot of crows here too and they weren’t even tolerated in the air above the nest.

"Whilst the Countryside Team could keep alert for intentional or reckless human disturbance, it was all down to the birds to protect themselves from natural predators. We kept the water levels on the lagoon as high as possible during incubation to provide protection from animals such as foxes or stoats.”

Cllr Geoff Jung, East Devon District Council’s portfolio holder for coast, country and environment, said: “Strategic plans to attract avocets have long been in place. During that time, winter records of these birds have been regular in most years. Fifteen years on, it is now a magical sight to witness them breeding.

“Because the lagoon was entirely man-made, it was designed to provide excellent bird feeding opportunities whilst giving good views from the hides and vantage points, too.