Dangerous and anti-social drivers in Seaton have been targeted by police after  complaints from local residents.

There were reports of noisy revving of engines, loud music and dangerous driving, including going the wrong way around roundabouts and racing along Harbour Road with reckless overtaking.

During the weekend of July 2 and 3, officers from Seaton, Honiton, Sidmouth and Axminster patrolled the area around Harbour Road, Royal Observer Way and the Tesco car park. Specialist traffic officers were also deployed in marked and unmarked vehicles.

A spokesperson for Rural East Devon Police said: “Over the course of the weekend, multiple vehicles were stopped and checked; resulting in the issuing of Section 59 warnings, (vehicles being used in a manner which causes alarm, distress or annoyance), drivers being reported for further offences, and one vehicle later being seized. Drink and drugs checks were also conducted.

“In addition, several drivers will soon be finding their formal warnings and notices landing on their doorsteps over the coming days – these will likely be followed up with some official face-to-face conversations in due course.

“Many of the vehicles that we have on our radar were absent over this weekend, although we continue to monitor and patrol on the look-out for those vehicles that have been reported.

“We thank those members of the public who have worked with us in helping to identify potential wrongdoing – this has helped us identify those who continue to think that the area is their own personal race-track. It is not; a driving licence and car is a privilege and not an absolute right.”

The weekend operation was the latest in a series of police crackdowns to tackle the boy racers and nuisance drivers in Seaton.

On Thursday, June 1 and Friday 2 the police carried out a joint operation with the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency.  Eight drivers were reported to court for offences including dangerous driving, having no MOT and not wearing a seatbelt. Three vehicles were prohibited by DVSA until they had taken a further MOT test.

The police spokesperson said: “We intend to keep up the efforts and maintain the tempo. There are still a few individuals who have taken no notice, and they remain well and truly on our radar.”