Dunkeswell pre-school at Unit 6, Culme Way, Dunkeswell, Honiton, Devon EX14 4JP has been rated as 'good' by Ofsted inspectors for the 'quality of education', 'good behaviour and attitudes', 'personal development' and 'leadership and management.' 

Ofsted inspector Elaine Douglas said: "Children settle quickly and feel secure to happily explore the resources and activities. They make choices and develop a positive attitude to learning. 

"The manager and staff plan an effective curriculum, identifying what each child needs to be learning next. All children receive the same good-quality learning opportunities to make the best progress they can. Children become increasingly independent.

"Children become confident communicators. Staff engage them in meaningful discussions and help them to vocalise what they know. Children enjoy books independently and as a group, extending their vocabulary. Staff plan interesting ways to help children make links across their learning. For example, they use a family tree to spark conversations, emotional language and children's understanding of their uniqueness and others' differences. n Overall, children's behaviour is good. They understand the staff's expectations and instructions, such as 'stop', may be necessary for safety and they must respond. Staff quickly intervene when minor squabbles occur."

"The manager and staff all attend training in safeguarding, including its wider aspects. They know what to be aware of and what to do if they have concerns that a child may be at risk of harm. Staff have a good understanding of the procedures to follow should they have concerns about a colleague, including who to report to outside of the organisation, to help protect children."

"To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: n focus staff development on helping children to think of solutions to problems and manage as much as they can to resolve these themselves."

Schools across the UK are inspected every year and are rated by the regulator Ofsted in four categories: Inadeqeute, requires improvement, good and outstanding. 

The school was last inspected in September 2022, where the school was graded as 'requires improvement' by the inspector.

Dunkeswell Pre-school is charity-run. The school receives funding to provide free early education for children aged two, three and four years. It employs five members of staff. 

Read the full report on the Ofsted website OFSTED