A public meeting to discuss the future of Seaton Hopsital will take place at 1.30 pm on Friday November 3 in Colyford Memorial Hall. 

Richard Foord MP, local councillors and the League of Friends will be speaking, as per the attached poster, and we have invited the NHS Devon Integrated Care Board and to send representatives to address the meeting.

Plans emerged last week to demolish a wing of Seaton Hospital which hasn't been used since 2017, two Seaton charities and Honiton MP Richard Foord have raised concerns over plans to demolish a large part of Seaton Community Hospital.

Seaton & District Hospital League of Friends and Re:store are instead calling for the space to be repurposed as a new ‘care hub’ to support local people. 

Read more: A wing of Seaton hospital could be demolished to save NHS money | Midweek Herald

Go along to the meeting next Friday and have your say.