A ‘stunning’ dance theatre show will be staged at Stockland Village Hall on Saturday, November 4.

‘Little Murmur’ by Aakash Odedra Dance Company is a visual representation of a dyslexic child’s struggle with letters and words.

Aakash Odedra, the company’s artistic director, was diagnosed with dyslexia at a young age and found school very challenging. Because he felt he was being defined by his learning difficulties, not his abilities, dance became the way that he expressed himself. He trained in the classical Indian forms kathak and bharatanatyam and launched his own dance company in 2011, blending his classical training with contemporary dance and theatre.

'Little Murmur' features beautiful projections, a whirlwind of fans and traditional South Asian Kathak dance movements. The performance is described as ‘an honest, humorous and heartfelt conversation about the trials and tribulations of living with dyslexia, facing challenges and overcoming the odds’.

The show, being brought to Stockland by Villages in Action, takes place at 3pm on Saturday, November 4, meaning there will still be time for Bonfire Night activities afterwards.

Tickets are available online at https://villagesinaction.co.uk/performances/ or they can be booked by ringing Wendy  on 01404 881207. They are priced at £12 per adult, £8 per child under 16 or £32 for a family ticket. The show is suitable for children aged seven or over.