Young people at Bramble Ward in the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital have received generous gifts thanks to Axminster shopkeepers.

Action East Devon's Youth Voice group members solicited generous donations from local businesses to stuff wellness bags full of items.

Participants include Acorn, the Crafty Hobbit, Axminster Printing, and the charity No Toy Left Behind.

Youth Voice representative Vicky Watkins and trustee Fiona Anderson delivered 12 of these thoughtfully curated bags to Hospital Play specialists, Abby and Mimi, on Wednesday.

Each bag, specially designed by the Youth Voice group, contains books, journals, shower gel, hair scrunchies, hand sanitisers, crafting kits, games, and soft toys.

The hospital ward staff welcomed the gesture, stating that the teenagers often arrive with nothing and these wellness bags make them feel cared for.

Besides this charitable endeavour, Action East Devon also organises peer support groups for adolescents dealing with mental health issues in Axminster, Seaton, and Ottery St Mary.