On Wednesday, March 13 Darren England Honiton's first PCSO who has now been in position for 21 years gave a talk to the Honiton carers.

Organiser Winnie Cameron said: "We had a brilliant turn out, it is amazing how a man in uniform attracts." 

The session was much enjoyed by everyone, Darren talked to the group about the never-ending new scams and how easily it is to get caught.

He also spoke about other services offered by the local police, including the Herbert Protocol and shared the fact that Honiton Police Station is now open from 10-3pm daily.

Winnie Cameron said: "The station has been rather busy and well-attended since it re-opened recently. It is comforting to know we can pop in during these hours for a chat about anything which is worrying us.

"Thank you to Stella Ford for the beautiful table decorations today, the flowers were truly lovely, all pink in grey cups, just so classy.

"Thank you also to Pat Dunlop and Stella Ford for doing the refreshments, to Lisa Lloyd for doing the raffle and Easter Egg draw and to Sue East and the other tea ladies for looking after your own table."

Honiton Carers are at The Kitchen at Combe Garden Centre next Wednesday from 3pm to 4.30pm.

If you are a carer and would like to join us, please come along, you are guaranteed a warm welcome.

For more information about the carers group please contact Win on 07974 636926 or email winniekjaer@btinternet.com