If you speak to a Gateway Theatre volunteer, the chances are they will have a story to tell, though not in the theatrical sense; no, it will be how they came to volunteer at the Gateway and how important it is to them. None more so than Steve Morris who was not only a head teacher and who travelled across the globe to teach in India, but was also a writer who has had several books published.

Steve moved to Seaton at around the same time the Gateway Theatre reopened after Covid, and one of the first things he did was sign up to help front of house. But that is what Steve was all about, he wasn’t one for sitting back on his laurels! 

"This was never more evident than when he was diagnosed with cancer over ten years ago, and given months to live," said theatre manager Sophia Moseley.

But he wasn’t going to let a disease like that beat him, and in 2023, he had a length of spine replaced.  "Steve was like the Six Million Dollar Man!" said Sophia.

He replaced his car with a motorised buggy, ‘it was terrifying to watch’ said Sophia, who was relieved to see he soon replaced it with a walking aid.

Sadly his condition worsened and he wasn’t able to get to the theatre, and when he was no longer able to walk, the Seaton Hospice at Home service helped him until he passed away on Wednesday 3 April.

But Steve’s resilience shone through right to the end, and to celebrate his life, the Gateway Theatre is holding a special combined fundraising event for the Seaton Hospice at Home and Gateway Theatre. It is free entry, but ticketed so the theatre can gauge numbers.

There will be 'light bites' and live music from the band Simple Chaos.

It takes place on Friday 3 May from 6.30pm. Go to www.gatewaytheatre.co.uk or phone the box office on 01297 625699.