If you have ever wondered what goes on behind the doors of Axminster’s Freemasons’ Lodge, now there’s a chance to find out.

Freemasonry is a historic organisation that has its roots in the traditions and practices of the stone masons who built the great cathedrals and castles of the Middle Ages.

The members of Axminster's Lodge Virtue & Honor No. 494 are holding an Open Day at the Masonic Hall in South Street on Saturday, April 27 from 10am until 4 pm. Admission is free, and visitors will be given a tour of the Lodge and presentations about the history of Freemasonry in general and its association with Axminster in particular. There will be the chance to view previously unseen Masonic artefacts and exhibits that date back to the Lodge’s foundation by William Tucker in 1844.

Visitors will also learn about famous Freemasons and other interesting information,  such as the story of Elizabeth Aldworth, the Lady Freemason, and the courageous struggle of Freemasons at The Battle of the Alamo in 1836.

There will be a free to enter competition quiz - the winner can decide which local cause receives a cash prize - and free refreshments in the refectory where visitors can talk to members about Freemasonry.

The Lodge Press Officer, Martin King, a local resident who has been a Freemason for 58 years and a member of Lodge Virtue & Honor for nearly 20, said: “The aim of the event is to promote a better understanding of Freemasonry in general and an insight into the contribution made by members of the Lodge to the community of Axminster for over the years.”

He said it is a little-known fact that Freemasonry (which has over 175,000 members in England and Wales and operates according to the principles of Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Service) donates huge sums of money each year to international, national and local good causes. Indeed, the current Worshipful Master of Lodge of Virtue & Honor will be presenting cheques to a number of Axminster based good causes later in the year.

For more information phone 07900 220390 or e-mail info@axminsterfreemasons.co.uk.