A young man from Colyford was awarded a Gold Duke of Edinburgh award at Buckingham Palace on Saturday (May 11).

The Duke of Edinburgh and journalist and broadcaster Clive Myrie gave a speech to thousands of young people and their loved ones as they celebrated achieving their Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards.   

Dipesh Purandare, 19 – who was also celebrating achieving his own Gold Award – took to the Palace’s West Terrace to share his DofE story with around 2,000 other young Award holders. Dipesh, who did his DofE at Colyton Grammar School, was joined for the special day by his mum Carolyn and aunty Barbara.

Dipesh’s celebration was one of four events taking place in Buckingham Palace Garden over two days on Friday 10 and Monday 13 May, recognising more than 8,000 young people being given their awards.

Dipesh spoke about how DofE helped him to overcome his shyness and gave him the confidence to try new things. He said: “In year nine, I didn’t want to talk to anyone outside of my friendship group. But DofE made me do it, multiple times, and each time talking to new people and making friends became easier and more enjoyable. 

“Before DofE I hated doing sports. But knowing I had to do the Physical section, I signed up for various activities including shotput, judo and even rugby. Was I good? No. Did I enjoy it? Actually… yeah! DofE made me realise that it doesn’t really matter if you’re good at something or not, you can enjoy sports for the social aspect. I made lots of new friends, and it led to new skills and hobbies that I never would have tried without DofE.”

Dipesh also reflected on some of his proudest moments, including completing the Ten Tors – walking 50 miles in 30 hours on Dartmoor – and taking part in his Gold Expedition. He added: “For me, the DofE was an Award that, through five years, three levels and one global pandemic, transformed me from a shy, purely academic child into someone who loves socialising, spending time outdoors and just being with other people. Someone who loves life outside of the classroom, as well as within it. To put a DofE spin on JFK’s famous words: ‘We choose to wander up hills in North Yorkshire, not because it is easy, but because it is hard’.”

To win a gold DofE, Young people spend at least 12 months improving a physical activity, honing new skills, planning and completing an expedition and residential, and volunteering for a cause they are passionate about.   

Ruth Marvel, CEO of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, said: "The young people here today have achieved something exceptional, and it is wonderful to see them celebrating together, sharing their experiences and hearing their aspirations for the future. DofE is all about proving to yourself just what you are capable of, and the young people here today have showed the world that their potential is limitless. I can’t wait to see what they go on to do next.

“As a charity, we’re working hard to give as many young people as possible the chance to have a DofE experience and we're delighted to announce that last year 330,948 young people started a DofE Award - another record-breaking year. This growth in participation shows just how much appetite there is amongst young people for enrichment and development opportunities beyond formal education and, together with our partners, we are determined to keep extending our reach until every young person has access to these types of life-changing experiences."