MUSBURY Flower Project was conceived in January 2024 as a local community project to raise funds for a servery and toilet in the church.

Residents of Musbury created 700 knitted, crocheted or sewn flowers that would be attached to netting and displayed in the porch of Musbury church, St Michael’s.

It was thought that 700 flowers would be needed, but the appeal exceeded expectations and 1192 flowers were received and every one was used in the final display.

So many people were involved and not just in crafting – for instance, The Hind pub provided space for volunteers to sew the flowers to the netting and other locals helped to put the display up – a tricky task in itself.

Two local residents supplied over 100 each and flowers arrived both from other Musbury residents and people in nearby communities.

The display went up for Musbury’s Scarecrow Festival in early June, and will be available to view from 17th June to 1st July, tying in with Musbury Barton’s National Garden Scheme Open Days on June 29th and 30th.