Jobseekers will now have help writing CVs, cover letters and filling in job applications as Axminster Job Club reopens.

The voluntary service has reopened following Covid-19 guidelines which include wearing masks and rubber gloves as well as using hand sanitiser.

Visitors to the Job Club in Pippins Community Centre are admitted one at a time, to a maximum of five in the room, in order to comply with social distancing guidelines.

As well as the usual support and advice on CVs, Universal Credit and training opportunities, the club has two laptops for people to use who wish to do a short online training course.

Also, on offer is tea and coffee (in disposable cups) while visitors wait, and free food from Tesco and the Co-op, as well as frozen meals courtesy of Nourish.

You do not need to book an appointment and the centre is open every Thursday from 9am to noon except July 30.