On behalf of Honiton Town Council, I am writing to reassure residents following recent correspondence. Cllr Allen is mistaken in his belief that the town council is largely elected unchallenged.

On behalf of Honiton Town Council, I am writing to reassure residents following recent correspondence.

Cllr Allen is mistaken in his belief that the town council is largely elected unchallenged. Of the 18 current town councillors, 12 were appointed in 2007 following a full election. Of the other six councillors appointed to replace those originally elected, two have been subject to a full challenge.

Honiton Town Council prides itself on the work that it does and the fact that it is one of the few local parish councils to attain Quality Status and it actively encourages members of the public to come forward as Councillors.

As an active town council, members welcomed the opportunity to be able to fully work for the benefit of the town it serves and took all the necessary steps earlier this year to agree to adopt the Power of Well-being and to meet the very stringent eligibility criteria necessary. The town council is proud to be one of the first parish councils in the country to have done so and has established its own regulations to ensure that it will not be used without due consultation with the public. It would, therefore, not be possible for the town council to take on massive liabilities under this Power just because it wishes to do so.

Finally, I must correct a very common misconception of the relationship between town councils and other local authorities. Local councillors from both East Devon and Devon Councils are invited to all town council and committee meetings as observers and are afforded the opportunity to update and be updated at all full town council meetings. A town council operates under its own jurisdiction and its decisions are not subject to the input or approval of either district or county council.

I would remind all residents that Honiton Town Council works exclusively for the benefit of the town it serves and welcomes input from the public at all times. You are welcome to make us aware of any issue that concerns you and the opportunity now exists for the public to directly address the council at both full town council and planning committee meetings.

Lyn Hargood

Town Clerk

Honiton Town Council