An 18-year-old Colyton Grammar School student has penned a musical based on experiences of students going through sixth form including life during the coronavirus pandemic.

Edward Heath, alongside friends and fellow students Harry Long and Dom Harrower, have all just completed their A-Levels and in their spare time have written and recorded a full-cast performance of their musical ‘Individuals - The Musical’.

Edward said: “I’ve always loved musical theatre and dreamed of writing one, the issue is I can’t compose music (it’s a pretty big obstacle!).

“Since the first easing of lockdown restrictions, I met up with Harry, who is also a grade eight pianist, and I pitched the idea of writing a musical to him.

“Dom became involved later since he had recording equipment and production skills that could take our production to the next level.

“Towards the end of the musical we built in a coronavirus twist since we wanted the musical to be relevant.

Edward describes the musical as a ‘realistic love story with a Covid twist that gives an insight into being a 16-18-year-old today in the UK.’

The musical follows two main characters, a girl called Maisie, played by Sophie Black, who’s joined a new school for sixth form and a boy called Luke, played by Harry Long, who’s been at the school since year seven.

Throughout the musical, both characters meet with many challenges faced by sixth form and college students across the UK, including bullying, relationships and depression.

There are references to different issues, experienced by modern day youths and opportunities to see them through the eyes of side characters as well as from the viewpoint of the main characters.

After completing the full-cast audio recording in Dom’s home studio/garage, the trio said they would ‘love’ to put it on and are now looking for a place to perform the play.

If you are able to help them in their quest to perform the play, you can contact Edward at