Axe Valley Community College “good and improving”.

Inspectors said the school provides a high proportion of good teaching and learning with a responsive and well-planned curriculum.

They added students have positive attitudes to the school and enjoy learning

The five inspectors visited earlier this month and their report has just been published.

Lead inspector John Seal said: “Axe Valley provides its students with a good quality of education and is continuing to improve.

“The clear and direct leadership of the headteacher and senior team have improved the school.

“The school’s capacity for sustained improvement is good because the strong focus on improvement, challenging and effective governors and remarkably accurate and incisive self-evaluation.”

He described the students, of which there are 878, as being well behaved in lessons and around the school, with attendance above average.

He praised the ‘mature’ sixth formers and headteacher Martin Smith’s ‘clear vision and leadership’.

Mr Smith, who was appointed two years ago, said the report was a great way to end the academic year.

He said: “On a personal level I see the report as a huge vote of confidence in the college and the direction it is heading.

“I was overwhelmed by the support from parents, students and the wider community during the inspection and would like to thank everyone for the part they played.”

He said they were now oversubscribed for Year 7 in September. He thanked staff, governors, students and parents for their work in bringing about the improvement.

He added: “We look forward to the new academic year with confidence and we will strive to build on these successes.”