Cllr Mike Jones was unanimously voted onto the board at a meeting last night after putting himself forward.

A new director for Honiton Community Complex Ltd has been chosen by the town council.

Cllr Mike Jones was unanimously voted onto the board at a meeting last night after putting himself forward.

There were two vacancies following the resignations of former councillor David Perkins and public member Roger Nix.

A vacant spot still remains as Cllr Jones was the only one to apply for the position.

David Perkins quit the role in the same meeting that the council was stunned by the sudden resignation of newly-elected mayor Ashley Delasalle.

After her exit was announced, Mr Perkins stood down as a member, the council-appointed director of Honiton Community Complex Ltd and temporary responsible financial officer.

He made the announcement after councillors voted to remove him from a committee investigating the finances around the Beehive build.

At an extraordinary meeting of the council a week later, Mr Nix, who was a council-appointed director as a public member, expressed the view that directors appointed by the council should be elected members.

He said for that reason, he wished to step down from the board.