Parish council attacked for not consulting with residents over county council blackout.

I would like to complain about the sudden street lights blackout at around 12.30am every night in Dunkeswell.

At first I assumed it was a power cut, but then without any warning it happened again on Thursday, December 9.

I telephoned the department responsible for street lighting, who stated that our parish council had approved the blackout without our knowledge.

Do we need a council that treats us with such contempt?

I would find it a perfect situation for robbers and vandals.

Also, what if a nurse or any other male or female was attacked? I would sue the council.

I don’t think that Sidmouth or any other favoured town would tolerate it. Possibly one would need sun glasses there all night long.

Don’t extinguish all of East Devon, please.

David E Hill

Tower Way
