I AM writing with regard to the proposed new mussel farm which is to be based in Lyme Bay.

I AM writing with regard to the proposed new mussel farm which is to be based in Lyme Bay.

If this scheme goes ahead, it will have a devastating effect on our local fishing industry.

Natural England and Devon Wildlife Trust are saying they have no concerns about the impact this farm will have on the environment but, to my knowledge, they have not carried out an impact study on the effect this farm will have on the marine environment or the local fishing industry. Natural England didn't exist until recently, but already they have closed off 60 square miles to local fisherman with proposals to close off a further 25 per cent in the near future.

This proposed new mussel farm will add a further three blocks closed off to local fishermen in prime fishing ground, at a time when our local fishing industry is already struggling to survive.

I would also question why a Scottish company is not interested in operating and investing in Scotland when we are told that this farm will create new, all-year-round, marine-based jobs and a significant economic boost for the area. Why not Scotland then?

I would also question the visual impact this farm will have. It means laying massive anchors and steel surface buoys and the use of thousands of drums to suspend the mussel ropes, all visible from our heritage coastline.

The local fishing industry is already struggling, faced with a nightmare of quotas and punitive regulations. This farm will be the final nail in the coffin.

Keith Turner
