Residents invited to have their say on the village’s new neighbourhood plan

Resident at Uplyme are being urged to ‘have their say’ a public meeting – and help to shape the future of their community.

The neighbourhood plan group will be presenting a number of displays about its findings so far at the village hall on Saturday, January 31.

Visitors will be asked their opinions on how Uplyme should develop in the coming years.

Parish Clerk Lois Wakeman said it was an important opportunity for people to say what they want.

“If you don’t take part, there may not be another chance for years to influence what the parish will look like for you and your family in the future - so speak up!” she said.

Those attending will also be able to see the draft results of the affordable housing survey – which indicates a need for more rented affordable housing in the parish, as well as a definite interest in self-build initiatives.

The neighbourhood plan group will also be presenting the results of the second questionnaire, which asked for more specific views on the topics most people felt were important.

Group Chairman John Garland said: “We already have representatives of several local groups, but we are calling on all local community, youth, social, sporting, health and religious organisations to consider taking a free table at the meeting, to encourage parishioners to find out what they do, when they meet, how they raise funds; do they need more members or help organising activities etc.

“There are a lot of activities going on in Uplyme, but not everyone knows about them all, so this would be a good opportunity for both sides to make contact. Call me on 01297 444120 if you are interested.”