Congratulations and a huge thank you to all involved with the Axe Valley Girl Guiding concert in Colyton recently, entitled Only Girls Allowed.

Congratulations and a huge thank you to all involved with the Axe Valley Girl Guiding concert in Colyton recently, entitled Only Girls Allowed.

Representatives from Guides, Brownies and Rainbows joined together to celebrate the unique occasion of 100 years of Girl Guiding. During the evening the audience was entertained with some superb singing and dancing; we were taken through the ages of the dinosaur, to the Glen Miller Band, the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 2; Jailhouse Rock, Mama Mia to campfire songs. Cameo videos ran in between scenes; one of the funniest being a visit from The Vicar of Dibley, who turned out to be one of the oldest "retired Brownies". Hidden under the disguise was Margaret Hancock. Hardly a dry eye in the house.

Thanks must go to Kym Cross, a local drama student, who chose to explore her role of drama facilitator in community theatre towards gaining her degree; she did an excellent job and definitely a name to look out for in future.

Thank you to all the Guide and Brownie leaders who work so hard to give the girls such a wonderful start in life; they meet weekly and give their time so generously. They must all be thrilled how the evening went and well done to those who took part and received the best wolf whistles of the night.

Hilary Mabon

Manor Road
