St Paul's Church, Honiton: services are on Sundays 8am Communion,9.30am Sung Eucharist on 7th, 14th and 29th. On the 21st there will be a special all-age Eucharist when Angie Gammon will be preaching.

St Paul's Church, Honiton: services are on Sundays - 8am Communion,9.30am Sung Eucharist on 7th, 14th and 29th. On the 21st there will be a special all-age Eucharist when Angie Gammon will be preaching. This will mark her last Sunday on the staff of St Paul's as she is leaving to continue her ministry in another parish. 'After Eight' will be on the 7th, a time of sharing songs, readings, prayer and worship. Sunday Celebration, at 11.15am will be on 14th and is a more informal family service. The Team Evensong will be at 6.30pm on 21st, in St.Michael's Church, at the top of the hill. A practice for those wishing to be part of the choir will be from 5.45pm. The Bereavement Group will meet on Tuesday 2nd and Monday 15th, from 2pm until 3.30pm in the Narthex. Come and share a cuppa and find friends with whom to chat. The Meditative Craft Group meets on Fridays, 5th and 19th, from 10.30am until 12.30pm, in the chapel. All are very welcome. Toddlers are in the Narthex every Thursday morning from 10am to 11.30am. All kinds of wonderful (and sometimes messy) activities are on offer. Evening housegroups meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays fortnightly and are currently studying St Mark's Gospel - for details and times, look at the pew leaflet. A new group is planned for Wednesday 3rd at 11.45am following the midweek Communion service, and will also meet fortnightly and follow the same study of St Mark's Gospel. The Garden Club is planning a visit to the RHS garden at Rosemoor on the 18th. Further details on a leaflet on the info table in the Narthex, or call Julia Beaman on (01404) 549709. New members (and guests) are always welcome. Members are planning to weed and plant up the flower beds outside St Paul's on Saturday 6th from 9.30am onwards. Do come along and give a hand, small forks and trowels are a useful piece of equipment to bring with you. St Paul's is hosting a Classical Folk Concert on 20th at 7.30pm. Sue King and George Hill, joined by their friend, flautist Kate Thompson from Cornwall, will be playing a wide spectrum of traditional songs and tunes ranging from Ireland, Scotland to the New World ! Don't forget that tea and coffee are served on Tuesday and Saturday mornings in the Narthex from 10am until noon. New helpers to go on the rota will be welcomed with open arms!June at the Methodist Church - All Sunday services are at the Senior Citizens' Centre (entance in Chapel Street) whilst the church refurbishment is going on. Services start at 10.30 am. Saturday 13th in the Mackarness Hall --tabletop sale in aid of the refurbishment fund. More info, or to book a table, ring Rita Bennett on (01404) 47832. June at the Church of the Holy Family: 14th, youth rally for ages 10-16, at St Rita's Centre, Honiton, from 1pm to 6pm. Bring a packed lunch. Balloon race, treasure hunt, tug-o-war, etc. Entry �3.