East Devon’s election chief has apologised after an error was identified in the postal voting papers sent out to some electors.

The error concerns guidance for voters on the number of candidates to vote for.

In some local council wards with two or three seats, an elector can place up to three votes.

But an error in the instructional letter sent with the postal vote ballot papers at the end of last week incorrectly suggests the elector should vote for just one candidate.

For the Local Government election (green ballot paper), the guidance states:

‘Where an election is required vote for only one candidate by putting a cross (X) in the box next to your choice’.

However, it should state:

‘Where an election is required vote for no more than the number of candidates as stated on the top of the ballot paper by putting a cross (X) in the box next to each of your choices’.

East Devon’s Returning Officer, Mark Williams, has written to every elector affected by the error to inform them that the mistake has been found and to advise what they should do next.

Those who still have their ballot papers can simply follow the newly corrected advice.

The council says that electors who have already returned their green ballot papers after following the incorrect guidance can telephone the elections team and request a new ballot paper.

Their first ballot paper will then be destroyed. The number to ring is 01395 517402.