The Honiton Admiral Nurse campaign has had a good start to 2018, with a range fundraising events being lined up.

Midweek Herald: Admiral Nurse Honiton logo. Midweek HeraldAdmiral Nurse Honiton logo. Midweek Herald (Image: Archant)

Our Honiton Admiral Nurse campaign is hitting the ground running for the New Year, writes Heather Penwarden.

We have been delighted with the ideas coming in from a whole range of groups and individuals for some super exciting fundraising initiatives.

One such offer that we were excited to hear about came from Jan Sutcliffe and The Old Bull and Bush Company of Artistes.

Jan told us that on Saturday, February 24 at St Pauls Church in Honiton, a concert to raise funds for the Honiton Admiral Nurse campaign is going to be held.

The Old Bull and Bush Company of Artistes is delighted to help this essential fundraising for a nurse who will prove a vital service for families living with dementia in Honiton and the surrounding area.

The concert named ‘All At Sea’ will pay tribute to ‘The Admiral’ with nautical songs and fishy jokes from Gilbert and Sullivan to Noel Coward and Rodgers and Hammerstein - and even a couple of sea shanties.

We are delighted that this much-loved group, whose members have worked together for the past 16 years raising many thousands of pounds for charities throughout the South West, have chosen to support our campaign to bring a much needed dementia specialist nurse to Honiton.

Through our Honiton Dementia Action Alliance and Memory Cafe work we are constantly reminded of the need to have specialist and expert support for families living with dementia.

Provided by Dementia UK, Admiral Nurses are working in communities all around the country and with your help we hope eventually to achieve our initial target of £150K which when reached will enable us to start off the recruitment process.

Tickets for the ‘All At Sea’ Concert at St Pauls are £10, which includes light refreshment in the interval, and they can be purchased from the Honiton Toy Shop.

For further information about our Honiton Admiral Nurse Campaign you can contact me on or leave a message on 07966135442.