Crime in our constituency needs to have a completely different approach developed to tackle it. Every week, we hear of a new form of vandalism and anti-social behaviour on our streets being committed across the whole constituency.

Crime in our constituency needs to have a completely different approach developed to tackle it.

Every week, we hear of a new form of vandalism and anti-social behaviour on our streets being committed across the whole constituency. The three main political parties all seem to have forgotten that to commit a crime is to make a rational and moral choice to ignore the laws of society for a personal gain? MPs across the board all seem to have decided that criminals are forced into crime and that it's not the fault of the individual. As a result, rehabilitation and hugs are favoured over deterrence. This is not only the wrong choice but is an invitation for re-offending.

We need to reinvent a lost British idea - social responsibility.

In no civilised society should the rights of the criminal be put in front of the rights of society.

People must take responsibility for the choices they make and be held to account when those decisions ignore the rights of others.

Our constituency, our country needs change.

Daryl Stanbury

UKIP Parliamentary candidate for Tiverton and Honiton.