Off shore pipeline now being fed with “quieter” infill material from Wales

TESCO say they have reached the half way point in their offshore pumping operations at Seaton.

“Quieter” sand from Wales is now being sent down the pipeline to infill the Harbour Road regeneration site .

It has replaced heavier grit, dredged from off the Isle of Wight, which resulted in complaints about excessive noise and forced the company to shut down night-time operations.

Yesterday spokeswoman Juliette Bishop told The Herald that only 11 loads remaining to be delivered.

Of these four or five were expected to come at night, with the others during the daytime.

She added: “We are pleased that the pumping operation is progressing well. The material, dredged from off South Wales is coming through the pipeline in approximately two hours and using this method has meant that a significant number of vehicle movements have been taken off local roads.

“Over 450 local residents and businesses have now visited the viewing platform and seen the work that has been taking place. We hope that in the remaining weeks of pumping, residents take the opportunity to see how the work on site is progressing.”

Tesco say all other noisy construction site works will take place between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday, and 8am to 1pm on Saturday.

They stress that when it comes to building the store these are the hours which will generally be complied with, although it is likely that some specific tasks will need longer hours to complete, as is usual on a major construction site.