Honiton Town Council ignored result of town poll.

Peter Townsend in his letter (Jan 19 issue) had it spot on.

For Liz Tirard to suggest that sniping in the press is almost equivalent to those that criticise on street corners is wrong, I ask her what else can we do?

We had a town poll that told the council that the community centre is not required as the townsfolk cannot afford it.

The council has still continued with the project and has added an extra �25,000 plus to the tax this year for the centre, plus other projects.

Our town council tax for this year will rise by a whopping 17 per cent whilst the citizens are

struggling under other tax increases.

One thing Liz Tirard is right about, that council elections will be held in May,

Anyone willing to stand against a council which is unwilling to listen?

B E Payne

Ave Mezidon Canon
