Members of the Cranbrook Education Campus’s student council could be invited to attend meetings

Teenagers in Cranbrook could be given the chance to have more of a say on local issues, as non-voting members of the town council.

On Monday, June 17, councillors agreed to talk to staff at the Cranbrook Education Campus about inviting two members of the school council to attend their meetings.

A report to the town council said: "Liaison with young persons, especially on matters which may have a direct impact on them, could prove to be constructive and enlightening to council members."

The CEC council mainly comprises Year 10 students, aged 14 or 15, who help make decisions relating to the school. At town council meetings they would be able to give their views on a variety of issues and policies affecting Cranbrook's younger community.

The councillors agreed to discuss the idea with the school, along with the protocol needed in terms of safeguarding young people. If agreed, it is likely to be introduced initially for a trial period, subject to review.