As anyone who has met me will agree, I am built for comfort rather than speed.

As anyone who has met me will agree, I am built for comfort rather than speed.

This doesn’t stop me going along with a world where everything is busy and things are hurried.

Life is full and we get frustrated by slowness of the traffic or having to queue in the supermarket or coffee shop.

But I don’t believe that we are made to keep going constantly; rest is an important part of life.

Doing nothing is not necessarily a bad thing, and in the story of creation at the start of the Bible (whether you take it literally or not) we are told that even God rested on the seventh day when his work was done.

Taking time to rest, to be with family and friends, to slow down and think, pray, laugh and relax is part of what makes us human and what God made us for. Chill out!