God loves us for what we are.

I have a game that I play occasionally on my computer that involves a voice in the background saying ‘good’, ‘excellent’, ‘awesome’ and even ‘spectacular’.

The game isn’t much more than a fun way to pass five minutes every now and then, but the voice makes it worth playing! Sometimes, I wish I had a voice like that following me around, telling me that something I did was great, or something I said was fantastic, or just that I was valuable and loved.

Actually I do, not a voice inside my head I’m glad to say, but the Bible tells us that this is how God sees us. The Psalm writer said: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made”, and St John tells us Jesus said “God so loved the world that he sent His only Son.”

God loves us for what we are, unconditionally, completely and filled with forgiveness. Awesome!