This weekend just gone, we had a special event in our mission community, our curate was ordained as a priest.

This weekend just gone, we had a special event in our mission community, our curate was ordained as a priest.

This meant a visit from the Bishop and the Archdeacon, and a big service with lots of razzmatazz and some good singing, as well as a new stage in the life of a Christian minister.

But, in the midst of all the celebration of ‘ministry’, we remembered that there is no one person more important than any other in the church.

God loves us all equally and we are all valued by the one who loves us as ‘Our heavenly Father’.

The vicar, or the curate, or the Bishop, or even Archbishop are no more special in the eyes of God than any other person in (or outside of) the church; we all have our place, and we all have our value – and thank God for that!