New life that comes from Christ is meant to be explosive.

There’s a prayer we use for our Communion services that is always a favourite of mine at Easter time – it is called Eucharistic Prayer F and it contains this line: “We proclaim the death that he (Jesus) suffered on the cross, we celebrate his resurrection, his bursting from the tomb.”

I love that image – when Jesus rose to life, it wasn’t just like getting up after a long sleep, it was an earth shattering, world changing event.

The new life that comes from Christ is meant to be explosive, exciting and life giving.

That’s what we celebrate at Easter, that’s why a Christian is a Christian – a person who shares in the resurrection life of Jesus, a human being fully alive.

That life should spill over in lives of generosity, love, forgiveness, hope, joy and faith.

May the life of Jesus be yours this Easter-time. Happy Easter!