Lyme Regis Gig Club has launched a funding campaign on ‘Crowdfunder’ to raise £10,000. This is to complete the build of the club’s new boat, a traditional wooden Cornish Pilot Gig racing boat, which will be named ‘Ammonite’.

Rob Hounslow, an instructor at the world-renowned Boat Building Academy and a passionate gig rower, is building the boat - his first Cornish Pilot Gig. Crafted by hand, using traditional materials to exacting standards, ‘Ammonite’ exemplifies Lyme Regis Gig Club's dedication to superior craftsmanship and enhanced performance.

Contributions will ensure "Ammonite's" completion to the highest standards, elevating the rowing experience for members. Lyme Regis Gig Club, fostering community spirit, enables individuals of all ages (with members aged between 9 and 80) to participate in the region's fastest-growing sport of Cornish Pilot Gig boat rowing.

To donate to the boat building please visit: