At Honiton Golf Club over the last two weeks the men have been playing for the Hellier and Steele Perkins Trophies.

This is a bogey competition played against the par of the course.

Winning Division One and the Hellier Trophy with a fantastic score of +5 was Julian Netherway, just pipping Jason O’Dell by one shot.

Winner of Division Two and the Steele Perkins Trophy was Mike Weeks with a score of +1, beating Martin Smith by one shot.

The men had mixed fortunes in their relevant cup matches in the last week.

On Sunday, May 5, Honiton played Woodbury Park in the Palairet Trophy and narrowly lost 3-2 with the last game going to the first extra hole.

Then on Sunday, May 12, in a new competition, the Kyocera Cup, a 5 player single match play versus East Devon GC, Honiton were victorious 3-2 with Nick Jones, captain Ryan Sellick and David Carnall winning their singles.

Midweek Herald: Honiton Golf Club

On Friday, May 10, it was the first Seniors Open of the year and what a great success it was.

With 180 players entered including over 130 visitors it was important things ran smoothly.

Thanks to the perfect weather and an army of helpers from the Seniors Section and the Ladies all went well and we received some excellent feedback from our guests.

Special thanks must go the Ian Collier, Clive Backham, John Higgins, John Ward and Mike Sennitt, who gave up their entire day to carry out various duties.

Not only was the golf successful but we managed to raise a little over £670 for the club charity from the raffle and halfway house.

On the golfing front, the overall winners were the Honiton team of Jim Wallis and Tony Williams with 43 points.

On the home and away list, the winners from Honiton were John Jackson and Charlie Doherty with 42 points and from amongst the visitors the Whitsand Bay team of Trevor Stevens and Mike Richards with 43 points.

Congratulations to all the prize winners.

Our next open will be the Texas Scramble on June 7.

We had a mixed week with our matches this week.

At Dainton Park, we fell to a 5-1 loss whilst on the same day the Emerton Court team went down 4 and a half to a half at Stover.

They will have their work cut out to turn things around in the home leg this week.

There was good news when Ian Collier had his second win as match captain with a 4-2 home victory over Long Sutton.

So far this year home advantage has been very telling.

Following the disruption of a very wet winter and spring, Honiton's Tuesday Mixed group had the unaccustomed pleasure of a competition taking place in warm, sunny weather on a rapidly drying course.

With typical British optimism they are all now hunting for the sunscreen they abandoned last autumn, in anticipation of more of the same weather - we British never learn.

The competition this week was a Mixed Team Stableford with best man's and lady's scores to count, and one team took advantage of the favourable conditions.

Vera and Alan Richardson, Joan Crook and Harry Lawrence were the clear winners with 83 points .

Honiton Ladies were delighted with the bright, sunny and warm morning for a Stableford this week and with a total of 39 ladies taking part in either the foursomes event over 18 holes or the 9 hole competition.

The winning pairing in the foursomes with 36 points was Anusara Trayling and Sheila Palmer.

The 9 hole competition was keenly contested with two ladies coming home with 15 points, and the winner on countback was Lorraine Ritchie.